Spring is coming
Spring and the Spring Festival
Who knows how many days there are in a year?
我知道! 一年有365天。
I know! There are three hundred and sixty-five days in a year.
Who knows how many months there are in a year?
我知道! 一年有十二個月。
I know! There are twelve months in a year.
Who knows, what festival(holiday) is Chinese New Year?
我知道! 我知道!
I know! I know!
Chinese New Year is the Spring Festival.
春天到了 Spring is coming
沙!沙!沙!是誰在窗外?Sha! Sha! Sha! Who is outside the window?
我是小雪花,我只是來說聲再見,I’m a little snowflake, I have only come to say goodbye,
下個冬天,我會再來,Next winter, I will come back again,
送給你一個雪白的世界。To give you a snow-white world (a world of snow white).
沙!沙!沙!是誰在窗外?Sha! Sha! Sha! Who is outside the window?
我是小雨點兒,我只是來告訴你,I’m a little raindrop, I’m only come to tell you,
春天快來了,我要和春風,Spring is almost here, I want to be with the spring breeze,
送給你一個彩色的世界。Give you a colorful world (a world of colors).