August 10


買東西 shopping

嗨!大年!  Hi Da-Nian!

嗨!小莉, 你怎麼在這裡?Xiao-Li, What are you doing here?

我在這裡工作啊。I am working here.

真的啊! Really.

嗯!你想要買什麼呢?Yes. What would you like to buy?

我想買一些信紙和信封。I would like to buy some paper and envelopes.

你想要寫信給誰呢?To whom are you writing?

是—是文文對不對?It’s— Wen-Wen, right?

嗯!你看哪一種比較好呢?Yes! Which kind of paper is better?

這種紙是五十元一包,那一種是六十元一包。This kind of paper is fifty dollars a pack, and that one is sixty dollars a pack.

那一種比較好呢?Which one is better?

貴的那種比較好。The more expensive one is better.

好吧。 信封要多少錢呢?All right. How much is an envelope?

兩塊錢一個。Two dollars each.

我買一打吧,一共是多少錢?I would like a dozen, and how much is that all together?

一共是八十四元。您還要買其他的東西嗎?That’ll be eight-four dollars. Do you need anything else?

我想再買一本介紹臺灣文化的書。I would like to buy one more book about Taiwanese culture.

好的!你慢慢看!Okay, take your time.Shopping b

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Posted 2015-08-10 by huahuafun in category Speak Mandarin in 1000 Words