October 30

Appreciating Chinese Opera(一)-B

觀賞國劇Appreciating Chinese Opera
Yesterday, I went with a friend to see a Chinese opera.
你覺得怎麼樣? 喜歡嗎? What did you think? Did you like it?
我第一次觀賞國劇,根本看不懂。 他們到底在演什麼故事? It was the first time I watching a Chinese opera. I didn’t understand it at all. What kind of story are they playing?
國劇多半是演歷史上忠、孝、節、義的故事。 如果你不知道中國歷史, 你就不容易看懂。 Chinese opera usually dramatizes Chinese historical stories about loyalty, filial piety, fidelity and the righteousness. If you don’t know Chinese history, it’s not easy for you to understand.
不過,我很喜歡國劇的戲服,那些演員穿的戲服,戴著頭飾都漂亮極了。 However, I really like the costumes of Chinese operas. The costumes and headgear of the actors are very beautiful.
即使跑龍套的戲服也都很華麗。 對吧?
Even the performers in minor roles were in colorful costumes. Right?
沒錯! 那些演員可以穿那麼多, 還能翻跟鬥,做舞蹈動作,跑來跑去的真厲害!
That’s right! Those actors can wear that much, do somersaults, do dance moves, and run around! 那些演員可是訓練了很多年才能在舞臺上表演呢 Those actors have been trained for years to perform on stage
不過,鑼鼓喧天的聲音我可受不了,太大聲。 …
However, I couldn’t stand the loud guns and drums. it’s too loud.
Yet, audiences that appreciate Chinese opera love that kind of lively atmosphere.
對呀! 一邊舞蹈,一邊唱歌演員不會很累嗎?
Yes! Wouldn’t it be tiring for an actor to sing while dancing?
So it’s even more difficult to be a Chinese drama actor!
的確,他們太厲害了。Indeed, they are awesome.

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Posted 2015-10-30 by huahuafun in category Speak Mandarin in 1000 Words