November 7

The Joy of the lantern Festival-B

歡樂在元宵The Joy of the lantern Festival

文文,你在忙什麼呢?What are you busy doing?

我在搓湯圓, 元宵節那天歡迎到我家來吃湯圓。

I am making rice balls. Please come over to my house on the Yuan Xiao festival to have some rice ball soup.

元宵節是哪一天?When is the Yuan Xiao Festival?

元宵節在農曆正月十五日。過完元宵節, 新年就算結束了。

Yuan Xiao Festival is on the fifteenth day of the 1st month of the lunar calendar. The New Year season is over after the Yuan Xiao Festival.


I have never tasted rice ball soup before.


So you must come!

元宵節除了吃湯圓, 還有別的習俗嗎?

Besides eating rice ball soup, are there any other customs?


The Yuan Xiao Festival is also called the Lantern Festival.  People parade through the streets

carrying lanterns. There will be lantern displays, too.


Where can I see a lantern display in Taipei? I really want to see one.


Every year on the evening of the Yuan Xiao Festival, There is a lantern exhibition, and some even have lantern tunnels.


It sounds populous!  I’ll come to your place for rice ball soup, and then we’ll go to the lantern displays together.

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Posted 2015-11-07 by huahuafun in category Speak Mandarin in 1000 Words