November 7

The joy of the Lantern Festival-A

歡樂在元宵The Joy of the lantern Festival
王太太:元宵節歡迎到我家來吃湯圓。Please come over to my house on the Yuan Xiao and have some rice ball soup.
方先生:元宵節是哪一天? 我還沒吃過湯圓呢?
When is the Yuan Xiao Festival? I have never tasted rice ball soup before.
王太太:元宵節在農曆正月十五日。過完元宵節, 新年就算結束了。
Yuan Xiao Festival is on the fifteenth day of the 1st month of the lunar calendar. The New Year
season is over after the Yuan Xiao Festival.
方先生:除了吃湯圓, 還有別的習俗嗎?
Besides eating rice ball soup, are there any other customs?
王太太: 元宵節又叫燈節,有猜燈謎,提燈籠和花燈展覽等,好多有趣的活動。
The Yuan Xiao Festival is also called the Lantern Festival. People parade through the streets
carrying lanterns. There will be lantern displays, too.
Where can I see a lantern display in Taipei? I really want to see one.
Every year on the evening of the Yuan Xiao Festival, There is a lantern exhibition, and some even have lantern tunnels.

97 Lantern A

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Posted 2015-11-07 by huahuafun in category Speak Mandarin in 1000 Words