February 28

Cup Song Game

杯子口訣 Cup Game

  1. 拍手、拍手       Clap; clap your hands
  2. 桌子、桌子    Table;hand down on the table
  3. 拍手                 Clap your hands.
  4. 拿起、放下       Pick up the cup and set it down
  5. 拍手                 Clap your hands.
  6. 倒過來     Pick up the cup with your thumb facing down and turn it to the side
  7. 拍杯口        Hit the top of the cup.
  8. 放下               Set the cup down with the bottom up.
  9. 抓杯底        Grab the bottom of the cup.
  10. 拍桌子        One hand down on the table.
  11. 放下         Put the cup down

cup song

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Posted 2019-02-28 by huahuafun in category Game