December 1

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas 祝你聖誕快樂Merry Christmas

哇盼望已久 翹首等待的聖誕節Wow, I have been looking forward to Christmas for a very long time.

哇好開心啊Wow, I am so elated,

朋友們聖誕快樂 聖誕快樂My friends, Merry Christmas, Merry Christmas

朋友們從現在起Friends, from now on

我們一起唱聖誕歌, 怎麼樣? 好!好! Let’s sing Christmas songs together, how does that sound? Good good,

肯定很有意思, 那麼開始吧! This has to be interesting, let’s start.

我們祝你聖誕快樂! We wish you a Merry Christmas.

祝你新年快樂! Wish you a Happy New Year

把星星帶到每一個角落, 把新年的心緒帶給你們和我. Bring the stars to every corner and bring the New Year’s mood to you and me.

我們怎麼過聖誕節呢 How do we spend Christmas?

開聖誕派對吧Host a Christmas party,

還要裝飾聖誕樹we also want to decorate the Christmas tree.

哇 真的好開心啊 Wow, really elated.
Merry Christmas W

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Posted 2019-12-01 by huahuafun in category Christmas