February 29

The mouse’s daughter gets married

mouse bride

老鼠娶新娘The mouse’s daughter gets married

1老鼠媽媽: 我們的女兒不小了, 該結婚啦Mother Mouse: Our daughter is not young, it’s time to get married
2老鼠爸爸:你在說什麽?Papa Mouse: What are you talking about?
3老鼠女兒小春:爸媽!這是我的朋友, 阿郎!Mouse daughter Xiaochun: Mom and dad! This is my friend, Alang!
4老鼠阿郎:我想跟你們的女兒結婚!Mouse Lang: I want to marry your daughter!
5老鼠爸爸:不行!我女兒要嫁給世界上最强的—-像是—-是太陽!Papa Mouse: No! My daughter is going to marry the strongest in the world —- Like the sun!
6老鼠爸爸:我想你是世界上最强的!Papa Mouse: I think you are the strongest in the world!我想把我的女兒嫁給你。I want my daughter to marry you.
7太陽:糟糕! 真奇怪!Sun: Oh no! How weird!
8老鼠女兒小春:我不想嫁給太陽: Mouse daughter: I don’t want to marry the sun.
9太陽:我是又亮又溫暖,不過不是最强的啦, 雲一來把我遮住, 就沒有光和熱了!Sun: I am bright and warm, but not the strongest. When the cloud covers me, there is no light or heat!
10老鼠爸爸:有道理! 我想 雲是世界上最强的!Papa Mouse: Makes sense!! I think you are the strongest in the world!
11我不想嫁給雲: daughter:I don’t want to marry the cloud.
12雲:不!不!不! 我不是最强的,自己不能决定去哪裏, 是風啦! 風把我吹到哪,我才能去哪!Yun: No! No! No! I am not the strongest, I cannot decide where to go, it’s the wind! Where the wind blows me is where I go!
13老鼠爸爸:説的也是! 我想風是世界上最强的!Papa Mouse: Yeah, that’s right as well! I think you are the strongest in the world!
14我不想嫁給風:Mouse daughter: I don’t want to marry the wind.
15風:不!不!不! 我不是最强的,墻壁是世界上最强的, 我都吹不動它.Wind: No! no! no! I am not the strongest. The walls are the strongest in the world. I cannot move them.
16老鼠爸爸:既然如此, 我想墻壁是世界上最强的!Papa Mouse: If things are like this, I think you are the strongest in the world!
17我不想嫁給墻壁:Mouse daughter: I don’t want to marry the wall.
18墻壁:不!不!不! 我不是最强的,老鼠是世界上最强的, 它都在我身上鑽洞。Wall: No! No! No! I’m not the strongest, the mouse is the strongest in the world, they drill holes through my body.
19老鼠媽媽: 阿郎你的鑽洞技巧真好, 小春跟你一起會很幸福.Mama Mouse: Alang, your drilling skills are so good, Xiaochun will be very happy with you.
20媽媽,爸爸,太陽,雲,風,阿郎,小春:Mouse Alang, mouse daughter Xiaochun: 對啊! 老鼠是世界上最强的!Yes! The mouse is the strongest in the world!

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Posted 2020-02-29 by huahuafun in category Skit