May 19

Animals’ Homes


動物的家Animals homes
這是小鳥的家她愛她的家 This is Birdie’s home. She loves her home.
這是小貓的家她愛她的家 This is kitten’s home. She loves her home.
這是小狗的家他愛他的家 This is Poppy’s home. He loves his home.
這是小兔的家他愛他的家 This is Bunny’s home. She loves her home.
這是小老鼠的家他愛他的家 This is Little Mouse’s home. He loves his home.
這是小雞的家他愛他的家 This is Chick’s home. She loves her home.
這是小蝸牛的家他愛他的家 This is a Snail’s home. He loves his home.

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May 18

My Home


我的家My home

我去廚房,爸爸在那裡。I go to the kitchen. Dad is there.
我去衛生間,哥哥在那裡。I go to the bathroom elder brother is there.
我去客廳,媽媽在那裡。I go to the living room, Mom is there。
我去飯廳,妹妹在那裡。I go to the dining room. Younger sister is there.
我去起居室,弟弟在那裡。I go to the family room; Younger brother is there.
我去書房,姐姐在那裡。I go to the study room. Elder sister is there.
我去臥室,誰在那裡? I go to the bedroom. who is there?

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May 16

When Will The Red Flower Bloom?


flower bloom紅花紅花幾月開
When well the red flower bloom?

紅花紅花幾月開?一月開! When will the red flower bloom? in January!
一月不開幾月開?二月開! If not in January, then when? in February!
二月不開 幾月開?三月開! If not in February, then when? in March!
三月不開幾月開?四月開! If not in March, then when? in April!
四月不開幾月開?五月開! If not in April, then when? in May!
五月不開幾月開?六月開! If not in May, then when? in June!
六月不開幾月開?七月開! If not in June, then win? in July!
七月不開幾月開? If not in July, then when?
八月一定開。In August, it must bloom!

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