June 4

The Eyebrows Moved

舌眉毛搬家The Eyebrows Moved
One day, the eyes, ears, nose, mouth, tongue, teeth,
和雙手在談天。 and the hands were chatting.
舌頭說: 「眉毛最沒有用,The eyebrows are of no use.
他為什麼住在我們的上面? Why do they sit on top of us?
眉毛! 你搬家!」 眉毛搬到眼睛下面,
Eyebrows, you should move! Said the tongue. So the eyebrows moved under the eyes.
眼睛大叫:「不好看! 搬家! 搬家! 」
“This doesn’t look good”, the eyes shouted. “Move! Move!”
眉毛搬到耳朵下面,So the eyebrows moved under the ears.
耳朵大叫: 「不好看! 搬家! 搬家! 」
“This doesn’t look good”, the ears shouted. “Move! Move!”
眉毛搬到鼻子下面,So the eyebrows moved under the nose.
鼻子大叫: 「不好看! 搬家! 搬家! 」
“This doesn’t look good”, the nose shouted. “Move! Move!”
眉毛搬到嘴巴下面,So the eyebrows moved under the mouth.
嘴巴大叫: 「不好看! 搬家! 搬家! 」
“This doesn’t look good”, the mouth shouted. “Move! Move!”
汗水正好流進眼睛里,Some sweat dripped down into the eyes.
眼睛大叫: 「好痛! 我看不見(le了)(le)(了)! 」
“Ouch! I can’t see anything! The eyes shouted.
I will protect you! The nice eyebrows said.
Then they moved back to where they were originally.

Category: MeiZhou Chinese
June 1

The five sense organs and hand

五官和手 The five sense organs  and hand

小小眼睛,看東看西。Little eyes look around.

小小舌頭,舔來舔去 。Little tongue, lick around.

小小鼻子,聞聞香氣。Little nose, smell fragrant smells.

小小耳朵,聽聽聲音。Little ears, listen to sounds.

小小牙齒,愛咬東西。Little teeth, love to bite,

小小雙手,寫寫畫畫。Little hands write and draw. Continue reading

Category: MeiZhou Chinese
May 20

2010 火車快開

王逸玨老師及王夢臨助教開的數位教材介紹及製作Web 2.0課程進行中,
 Continue reading
May 3

The Little Red Hen

紅雞媽媽 The little of Red Hen
On Sunday, while everyone was playing in the farm field,
他們看見地上有一堆種子。 They saw a pile of seeds on the ground.
紅雞媽媽說:The mother red hen said,
這是稻米,我們來把它種在田裡,大家就有飯吃了! “These are rice. Let’s plant them in the field so we can eat later.”
大白鵝說:不! 我和小花貓要去玩兒。
Big white goose said, “No, I want to go play with the kitten!”
小花貓和大白鵝天天玩兒。 The kitten play with big white goose every day,
while the mother red hen and the chicks works hard in the field.
Four months later, they harvested a lot of rice.
Mother red hen cooked a big pot of tasty rice.
The kitten said:We are hungry too, could we sit down and eat.
紅雞媽媽說:The mother red hen said:
But you did not come to help when I needed you. Aren’t you embarrassed to eat now?

Category: MeiZhou Chinese