October 24

Learning Painting(二)

學畫畫兒Learning Painting

你教我畫國畫好不好?Would you please teach me how to do traditional Chinese painting?

我哪裡有資格教人畫畫啊!I am not qualified to teach anyone to paint。 why can you teach me?

你對國畫那麼有研究,怎麼不能教呢?You know so much about traditional Chinese painting.

我雖然愛畫國畫,可是沒有教畫的經驗。Although I like to be to do traditional Chinese painting I have no experience in teaching panting

你太謙虛了,只要你肯教,我一定會用心學。You are too modest I will study diligently if you agree to teach me

那我就試試看。  你想學花鳥還是人物呢?Well, I will give it a try.  Would you like to paint flowers and birds. or portraits?

我對國畫外行,一切聽您的。I am novice I will do whatever you say


Specific theoretical knowledge is needed to learning traditional Chinese painting.  I suggest that you read this book on Chinese art history before we start our class.

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October 22

Seeing An Art Exhibition (B)

看畫展Seeing An Art Exhibition
Wenwen, thank you for inviting me to the exhibition.
You’re welcome, I was just looking for someone to accompany me.
Are they displaying only in traditional Chinese paintings in this expression?
They are all Chinese paintings. This time the work is of a high standard and should展期有多長?
How long with the expression last?
I just read it in the schedule that the expression lasts two weeks.
be appreciated.
These works are all landscape paintings, There seems to be a lot of landscape paintings.
I think it is because the Chinese love nature.

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October 22

Seeing An Art Exhibition (A) 


Are they displaying only in traditional Chinese paintings in this expression?


All of these are traditional Chinese paintings. They are high quality works of art.


How long with the expression last?


I just read it in the schedule that the expression lasts two weeks.


There seems to be a lot of landscape paintings.


I think it is because the Chinese love nature.


Where these paintings painted with writing brushes and the ink only?


Yes they were less take the time to enjoy looking at that one by one.

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October 21

The Customs of the Dragon Boat Festival-B

端午節的習俗 The Customs of the Dragon Boat Festival

小莉,這個送你。 This is for you.

這是什麼? 有一種特別的香味呢。

What is it?   It has a special scent.


This is the sachet, I made it myself.

好厲害哦。 你可以教我做香包嗎?

Cool. Can you teach me how to make sachets?


No problem, what do you see?


It’s Zongzi, did you buy it?

我自己包的。 I packed it myself.

包粽子不是很困難嗎? Isn’t it difficult to make zongzi?


No, just wrap glutinous rice, meat, mushrooms and egg yolks with bamboo leaves.

聽你這麼一說,我的肚子都餓起來了。 Hearing you say that makes me hungry. I want to eat a zongzi first.



Weare eating zongzi while watching The Legend of the White Snake.

真是一個愉快的端午節Really a happy Dragon Boat Festival.

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October 21

The Customs of the Dragon Boat Festival-A

端午節的習俗 The Customs of the Dragon Boat Festival

你身上怎麽有一種特別的香味呢?How come you have such a special fragrance on?

今天是農曆五月五日端午節,我挂了一個香包。Today is the Chinese Dragon Boat Festival. I am carrying a potpourri pouch.

真漂亮。材料是什麽呢?It looks so pretty.  What is it made from?

用絲綫和綢布做的,裏面有香料,據說可以辟邪。It is made from silk cords and silk fabric, and is stuffed with fragrant herbs.

It’s said that it can ward off evil spirits.

端午節還有什麽習俗? Are there any other special customs on the day of Dragon Boat festival?

太多了, 像包粽子啦,划龍舟啦,都很有意思。There are quite a few, like eating rice dumplings and racing dragon boats. They are all very interesting.

粽子是用什麽做的?What are rice dumplings made of?

用竹葉把糯米和肉、香菇、蛋黃包起來。The filling of rice dumplings is composed of sticky rice, meat, mushroom, and yolk,

and is wrapped with bamboo leaves.

愛吃甜的,裏面可以包紅豆餡兒。There is also sweet flavor filled with red beans.  Tomorrow,

明天帶一個給你嚐嚐。I will bring you one to taste.

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October 20

A Wedding Ceremony-A

Congratulations on your engagement. When will the wedding be held?

The date of the wedding has not been set yet. It will probably be in June.

為什麼? 難道要選一個黃道吉日嗎?
Why?  Is it that you are going to select a lucky day?

Wedding rituals must absolutely respect our elder’s beliefs. This is a custom of Chinese people.

Are you going to have a church wedding or a civil ceremony?

We haven’t decided yet.  I want to be married in a church.

穿上拍白紗禮服,你一定是最漂亮的新娘。 You will be a very beautiful bride in your white wedding gown.


Thank you.  I will send you a wedding invitation in the next few days.

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October 19

Going To The Beauty Salon-B


After drinking coffee later, I will go to the beauty salon.

美容院? 你想要美容啊?

Beauty salon? Do you want to apply make-up or undergo plastic surgery

不是!  在臺灣美容院就等於美語的Beauty salon

No! A beauty salon in Taiwan is equivalent to an American Beauty salon

我知道了。 I see.


I would like a porn and a new hairstyle


But I think your straight hair looks great now!

真的嗎? 可是直髮很難整理。

Really? But straight hair is difficult to manage.


You’re right but perming your hair can make you very mature.


You mean getting old looking, right?


I didn’t say you said it yourself.


Don’t worry, my stylist is very good, he designs the hairstyle to match my face shape, so I have confidence in him.


This designer is the most popular.


In short, it doesn’t matter how you want to comb or roll it, as long as you look good and organize it well.


That sounds great, where is the beauty salon?


Do you want to perm your hair too?


No, I just want to know where


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