August 1

Beautiful Planet

美麗的行星Beautiful Planet


The sun had just gone down, and a bright star rose in the sky.

Just after the sun went down, there rose a bright star on the horizon,


Glittering gold, so beautiful!

twinkling with golden rays, and so very beautiful!

青青指著那顆星說:「它是金星,太陽的行星。 」

Qingqing pointed to the star and said, “It is Venus, one of the sun’s planet.”


Mom complimented, “You are awesome!”


Qingqing said: “I know the Chinese names of six planets.

最靠近太陽的是水星,然後排下去就是金星、地球、火星、木星和土星。 」

The planet closest to the sun is Mercury, followed by Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn. ”

Followed in order are


Mom said: “Are the names of these planets easy to remember?”


Qingqing said: “I have a method, which is to remember the color of the planet.

Mercury 看起來像水一樣清叫水星,

Mercury looks like water and is called Mercury. (As clear as water)

Venus 像金子一樣亮叫金星,

Venus is as shiny as gold and is called Venus,

Mars 像火一樣紅叫火星,

Mars is as red as fire and is called Mars,

Jupiter 像木頭的顏色叫木星,

The color of Jupiter is like wood, which is called Jupiter.

Saturn 像土一样黄叫土星。 很有趣吧!」

Saturn is as yellow as dirt (or earth) and is called Saturn. Very interesting (Isn’t that fun)! ”

媽媽說:「嗯!不但有趣,而且很有道理。 」

Mom said, “Yeah! Not only is it interesting, but it also makes sense.”

青青說:「古代的人很會取名字,他們好聰明哦!」Qingqing said: “People in ancient times were very good at naming. They were so smart!”


Mom smiled and said: “You are also very smart!(So are you)”



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July 2

The story of Shen Nong Shi

神農氏的故事The story of Shen Nong Shi


In ancient times, people lived by hunting.


When winter came and all the food was consumed, they faced death from starvation and disease.


At that time, there was a smart(clever)young man,

他發現鳥把種子的皮吐掉,只吃裡面的東西。 He discovered that the birds spit out (the skins of the seeds) husk and ate only the contents (the plant seeds within).


He wants to try it too!


He used stones to grind off the seed skin and boiled it with water to turn it into a particularly edible delicious food.

(He ground the husk off the seeds with stone)


These seeds were wheat and rice.


He thought: We can produce these foods this way!


So, he taught people to burn the weeds and trees and cultivate(develop) them into farmland.


He invented many farming tools and taught people how to farm.(to plow the field)


People have settled down and live at one place and start to have full of hope for life.


Not only do people have food to eat, but they also have houses to live in.


Everyone thanked him and asked him to be emperor.

They were all very grateful to him and asked him to be their ruler.

後來他做了皇帝就是炎帝,炎是火的意思。 不過,後人都稱他為神農氏,

Later he became emperor and was known as Emperor Yan, which means fire. However, later generations called him Shen Nong Shi.


Shen Nong Shi means the god of farming.


One day, Shen Nong Shi discovered that injured animals would find different herbs to eat, and soon the injuries would heal. (recovered soon)


He thought(start to wonder), what kind of herbs would cure people’s diseases?

(Human illness)


So, he went to the mountains and forests in search of herds.


He tried it himself, tasted hundreds of kinds of herbs, and invented many kinds of medicines.


He used herbal medicine to treat people’s diseases. Therefore, more than 5,000 years ago, China not only had developed agriculture, but also medicine.


Later, both of these spread to all over the world.


There are many different medicines in the world that are made from herbs.


Shen Nong Shi made a significant contribution to the civilization of the world.


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July 1

You Have Become Smarter

你變聰明了You Have Become Smarter


Xie Xiaoqi especially likes to take medicine. He often asks doctors to give him medicine because he thinks medicine is magical.


He believed that medicine could cure all diseases.


One day, Xie Xiaoqi asked the doctor:


“Doctor! What medicine can cure hunger?”

醫生說:「食物啊,像米、麥等食品都是。 」

The doctor said(replied): “Food can, such as rice, wheat and other foods can.”


Xie Xiaoqi asked again: “What medicine can I take to make me smarter?”


The doctor said: “Read a lot and pay more attention.”



Xie Xiaoqi said: “That’s really no fun! Please give me some medicine! ”


So the doctor gave him a bottle of medicine.


After a few days, Xie Xiaoqi finished this medicine.

他覺得還没變聰明,He feels he hasn’t become smarter yet,


So he asked the doctor for more bottles of potion.


Several more days passed; Xie Xiaoqi finished all the medicine.

可是他還是没有變聰明。But he still hasn’t gotten smarter.


Xie Xiaoqi felt very strange. He came back to see the doctor again.


He said: “Doctor, what you gave me was not medicine, but sugar syrup instead, right?”


The doctor smiled and said, “Well! You’ve indeed become smarter!”



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June 1

Spring’s Dawn

春曉                         孟浩然
Spring Dawn   by Meng Haoran
After a spring night’s sleep, I hardly sensed it was dawn,
I heard birds chirping everywhere,
The sound of wind and rain during the night.
Made me wonder how many flowers have fallen.

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May 1

Making Chinese Dumpling

包餃子 Making Chinese Dumpling


During Christmas holidays, You-you  Lin invited many friends over to his house,


Everyone wanted to learn how to make dumplings from Mrs. Lin.


Mrs. Lin took out a several packages of dumpling wrappers from the refrigerator.


And a large bowl of dumpling stuffing made from pork and vegetables.


Mrs. Lin said: here! Everyone put a tablespoon of the dumpling filling on the dumpling wrapper first,

Then fold the wrapper over.


Everyone learned quickly, and very soon, more than one hundred pieces had been wrapped.


Mrs. Lin boiled a large pot of water, after the water boiled,


Everyone helped put the dumplings into the pot,   after a while, the dumplings were cooked.


They smell wonderful! Enjoying the dumplings, they made by themselves,

覺得特別美味可口。 Everyone thought they tasted especially delicious.



Mrs. Lin said with smile: “Chinese New Year will soon be here! Whoever finds an almond in your dumplings, you will be very lucky next year!


By the time she finished speaking, everyone bit into one or two pieces of almond.


You-you said: My mom must have put them there.


Everyone merrily said, thank you Mrs. Lin!

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April 2



很久以前,有一位畫家,Once upon a time, there was a painter,

他不但喜歡畫馬而且喜歡畫老虎。He not only likes to draw horses but also likes to draw tigers.

有一天,他的朋友請求他畫一幅馬。One day, his friend asked him to draw a horse.

朋友走了以後,After his friend left,

他就在剛剛畫好的老虎下面,畫了一個馬的身體。The painter is added a horse body under a tiger’s head that he had just finished.

他想這樣送給朋友就行了。He thought this would be good enough for his friend.

他的大兒子看見了,問道:His elder son saw it and asked:

爸爸! 您在畫什麼?Daddy! what are you drawing?

畫家回答:哈哈!我在畫馬呀!The painter replied: Haha! I’m drawing(painting) a horse!

大兒子心想:哦,原來有一種馬,牠的頭長得很像老虎。The eldest son thought: Oh, I see. So, there is a kind of horse whose head looks like a tiger.

畫家把畫好的畫掛在牆上。The painter hangs the finished picture on the wall.

小兒子看見了,問道:The younger son saw it and asked:

爸爸! 這是什麼動物? 是老虎嗎?Daddy! What kind of animal is this? Is it a tiger?

畫家說:嗯—也沒錯!The painter said: Well — that’s also right!

小兒子想:原來有一種老虎,身體是這個樣子。The youngest son thought: So, there is a kind of tiger whose body looks like this.

有一天,大兒子遠遠看見一隻老虎,One day, the eldest son saw a tiger in the distance,

他還以為是馬。He thought it was a horse.

他忽然聽見老虎吼的聲音,才連忙逃走。Suddenly he heard the roar of a tiger,

Then he ran away hurriedly.

又有一天,小兒子看見前面有幾匹高大的馬,One another day, the youngest son saw several large horses in front of him.

他认为一定是老虎,所以就把牠们射伤了。He thought for sure they were tigers,

So he pulled his bow and shot them with arrows.

馬的主人找畫家賠錢。The owner of the horse came to the painter to demand compensation.

他們看見牆上的這張畫就問道:When they saw the picture on the wall, they asked:

這是什麼? 不是馬也不是虎,好奇怪!What’s this? It’s neither a horse nor a tiger. How strange!

畫家回答說:哎,大兒子以為是馬,The painter sighed replied: “Ai, the eldest son thought it was a horse.

小兒子以為是老虎,才發生這些事。The youngest son thought it was a tiger, that’s why all this misfortune happened.

大家聽了,忍不住哈哈大笑,Everyone listened and couldn’t help burst out laughing,

後來,馬虎和馬馬虎虎變成了成語,Ever since, house-tiger and horse -horse-tiger-tiger became idioms,

表示不認真、不細心的意思。Which means doing something casually and carelessly.

馬馬虎虎還有so-so的意思。It also means so-so.


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April 1

My Last Name is Not Wang

我不姓王My Last Name is Not Wang


Mr. Zhang was a very careless and sloppy person.


He often wrote wrong characters and often recognizes the wrong people,


So(therefore) everyone called him Mr. Sloppy.


One day, Mr. Zhang saw someone on the street,


He said: ゙Hi Teacher Wang, how are you?

那個人還沒回答,The man hasn’t answered yet,  (before the other person had a chance to answer)

張先生又說: 啊! 王老師,你變了!
Mr. Zhang said again(continued said): Ah! Teacher Wang, you have changed!

You are not as heavy as before, and you are not as tall as before,


You look much darker than before, how is your health?


The man said: I am sorry! My last name is not Wang!

張先生聽了,Mr. Zhang heard,

忽然大聲說:Suddenly said loudly:


You really have changed! Look, even your last name has changed!


When the person heard this, he couldn’t help but burst out laughing.


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March 2

Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade

感恩節大遊行Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade

感恩節快到了! It was almost Thanksgiving.

星期二早上。 明明全家坐飛機去奶奶家。

Tuesday morning, Ming-Ming’s family flew to grandma’s house.


The plane was packed with people, and everyone looked like they were rushing home for the holidays.

飛機飛了六個小時才到紐約市,The plane took six hours to get to New York City,

姑姑和表弟表妹也到了,Auntie and two younger cousins were there already,

大家在機場見面,高興的抱在一起。When we met at the airport everyone felt so happy and hugged each other.

奶奶說,明天去看梅西大遊行,Grandma said, we were going to see the Macy’s Parade tomorrow,

大家聽了都很歡喜。Everyone was excited to hear that.

Grandma said that we needed to go early, so that we would not get stuck in the heavy traffic.

(Otherwise, the traffic would be too crowded. The car gets stuck.)

感恩節一大早,大家吃過早飯,就開車上路了。Early on Thanksgiving, they got on the road soon after breakfast!

因為來得早,所以佔到路邊的好位子。Because they arrived early, I got a good seat on the side of the road.

十點鐘左右,樂隊過來了,吹吹打打很熱鬧。Around ten o’clock, the marching band came over, and playing trumpets and drums is very lively.

哇,卡通氣球也有一個個過來了,有chicken little– Wow, cartoon balloons are coming one by one, like chicken little–

哦!還有SpongeBob,這些氣球都非常的大,Oh! There was SpongeBob, All the balloons were so big.

每個氣球都是由一、二十個人拉著走。Each balloon was pulled away by ten or twenty people.

All the balloons were so big that it took 10to20 people to pull each one.

今年參加遊行的卡通人物很多,Many cartoon characters were participating in the parade this year,

孩子們高興地一直拍手叫好,All the kids were so thrilled they kept clapping and shouting.

The children clapped their hands and shout happily,

明明和姊姊也拍了許多照片。Mingming and her sister also took a lot of photos.

胖胖的耶誕老人公公來了,Finally, the pot-bellied Santa Clause showed up!

這是每年遊行的最後一個節目,This was the last show in the parade every year.

因為感恩節一過耶誕節就快來了!Because after Thanksgiving Christmas was right around the corner.


After returning home, (After getting home)the whole family chatted and laughed together to prepare the Thanksgiving feast.

孩子們做蔥油餅和小蛋糕,The children made scallion pancakes and cupcakes,

其他的食物都有大人們準備。The rest of the meals are prepared by adults.


During dinner, the table was laden with such mouth -watering dishes as roast turkey, cranberry sauce, mashed potatoes, cornbread, pumpkin pie,

另外還有香噴噴的蔥油餅和紅莓小蛋糕。As well as great smelling scallion pancakes and cranberry cupcakes.

明明、姊姊、表妹、表弟,一起抱著奶奶,Mingming, her elder sister and younger cousins hugged grandma together,

感恩奶奶給他們一個最難忘的感恩節。Thanking grandma for giving them a most unforgettable Thanksgiving.

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March 2

Stone Soup

石頭湯 Stone Soup


Once upon a time, there was a village,

這裡的村民都很自私又很小氣,所以大家很少有往來。The villagers were all very selfish and stingy, so they hardly saw one another.

(So they rarely communicate)


One winter, an old man came here,

他帶來一個大鍋子,He brought a big cauldron,


He placed ice cubes and snow into the pot,


They built a fire by the side of the road and started cooking.


The old man took out a small stone from the suitcase and put it into the cauldron.

He shouted: “Delicious stone soup!”

快來吃,不要錢唷。 Come and have some, free of charge.(no money required.)

大家一聽,不要錢! 就連忙打開大門,拿著碗出來,

When everyone heard it was free, they hurriedly opened the doors and rushed out with their bowls,


Everyone gathered around the cauldron and couldn’t wait to taste the delicious stone soup.


The old man stirred the soup with a ladle and murmured to himself,


If we add a little ground pepper, scallions, and oil,


It will be the most delicious soup in the world!


Some people thought: These are trivial and don’t cost much.


So, they returned home and fetch them.


The old man added these ingredients to the soup.

老人喝了一口湯,說道:不錯! 不錯!

The old man took one sip of the soup and said: Not bad! good!


If the soup has everyone’s favorite thing, it would be even better!


Everyone listened and felt that what the old man said was very reasonable. (thought it made sense.)


So, they hurried home and brought back their favorite food.


The old man added the meat, corn, cabbage, green beans, almonds, onions, celery, and tomatoes into the soup.


Which of course smelled even better.


So, everyone happily consumed the soup.


At this moment, the old man suddenly disappeared.


I saw the word “cooperation” on the caldron.


Then everyone finally understood:


Everyone chipped in a little food,


Combined to make such a delicious soup,


Since then (from then on), the villagers learned to help and cooperate with one another and lived happily ever after.


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