August 28


這些照片你照的好極了。You took these photos very well.

謝謝! 哈啾! 怎麼了,你感冒了嗎?What’s the matter, do you have a cold?

我想是昨天在阿裡山比較冷,衣服穿得太少了。I think it was colder in Alishan yesterday, I didn’t wear enough .

你量過體溫了嗎?Have you taken your temperature?

還沒有,不過我有一點鼻塞。Not yet, But, I have a bit of a stuffy nose .

身體還有不舒服的地方嗎?Is there any discomfort in your body?

喉嚨也很痛。 Sore throat too.

你最好讓醫生檢查一下。You’d better see a doctor.

我吃幾片阿司匹林多喝一點水就會好的。I’ll take a few aspirins and have some water,

and then I’ll be fine.

Wait  another time when it is more convenient for you, I will visit you again.

好啊! ok!


Category: Speak Mandarin in 1000 Words | Comments Off on Illness-B
August 28



王先生: 你怎麼了?身體不舒服嗎? What’s the matter? Do you feel uncomfortable?

方先生: 我有一點兒鼻塞, 喉嚨也很痛。 I have a bit of a stuffy nose and sore throat.

王先生: 你量過體溫了嗎? 有沒有發燒? Have you taken your temperature yet? Do you have a fever?

方先生: 我量過了, 有一點兒發燒。I have taken my temperature.  I have a slight fever.

王先生: 也許是感冒了。怎麼會生病呢? Maybe it’s a cold.  How did you catch a cold?

方先生: 我想是昨天衣服穿得太少了。 I didn’t wear enough yesterday.

王先生: 你最好讓醫生檢查一下。You’d better see a doctor.

方先生: 我吃幾片阿司匹林,多喝點水, 就會好了。I’ll take a few aspirins and have some water, and then I’ll be fine. Continue reading

Category: Speak Mandarin in 1000 Words | Comments Off on Illness-A
August 27

Renting A House-B

請問張太太在嗎?Excuse me.  Is Mrs. Chang there?

我叫丁小月,我跟他約好來看房子的。My name is Ding Xiaoyue, and I made an appointment with her to see the room.

我媽媽有事出去了。 我可以帶您看房子。My mom is out. I can show you the house.

好的。 OK.

請進。 Please come in.

您覺得這件套房怎麼樣?What do you think of this suite?

這房間大小正好。 光線也不錯。The room is just the right size. The lighting is pretty good.

是呀,很適合單身族。Yes, it is suitable for single person.

請問房租一個月多少錢呢?How much is the rent per month?

房租一個月一萬塊錢。 押金要三萬元。The rent is 10,000 NTD per month. The security deposit is 30,000 NTD.

好貴呦! So expensive!

這間套房,剛剛有油漆過,窗簾、地毯也全是新的,還附全部的傢俱。This suite has just been painted, the curtains, carpets are all new, and all the furniture is include.

那水電、瓦斯費呢?How about utilities and gas fee?

當然是房客自己付。 你要租這間套房嗎?Of course the tenant pays for it. Do you want to rent this suite?

我很喜歡房租,可以算我便宜點嗎?I like rent very much; can you count me cheaper?

你可以跟我媽媽談一談。You can talk to my mother.


Category: Speak Mandarin in 1000 Words | Comments Off on Renting A House-B
August 26

An Advertisement-B

An Advertisement
What are you looking at, Xiao yue?
I’m looking at an advertisement for an rental house.
Is this rental for yourself?
Yes! I’m looking for a house near the park, do you know of any houses for rent near here?
我要想一想。 我想起來了!
I’ll think about it. I remember! There is a house for rent nearby.
屋主是張太太, 他是我的好朋友。屋主是张太太, 他是我的好朋友。
The owner of the house is Mrs. Zhang, who is my good friend.
This is his phone number, please contact him now!

Category: Speak Mandarin in 1000 Words | Comments Off on An Advertisement-B
August 26

An Advertisement-A

廣告 An Advertisement

您買這麽多份報紙做什麽?Why did you buy so many newspapers?

我想看看房屋出租廣告。I want to see the rental ads.

您在找房子,準備搬家嗎?You’re looking for a house. Are you getting ready to move?

是呀, 您知道這附近有房子出租嗎?Yes, I am.  Do you know if there are any places for rent in this area?

您可以找房屋仲介公司介紹合適的房子。You can find a rental agency to help you find a suitable place.

我不想付仲介費, 我要自己找。I don’t want to pay brokerage fees.  I’ll look by myself.

您想租多大的房子?要不要帶家具?How big of a place do you want to rent?  Do you want it furnished?

我想租一間有衛浴設備的套房,最好帶家具。I want to rent a suite with bathroom and shower, better with furniture. Continue reading

Category: Speak Mandarin in 1000 Words | Comments Off on An Advertisement-A
August 25

New Year Vacation-B

新年假期Chinese New Year Vacation
莉莉: 方先生新年假期過得好嗎?
How was your New Year’s vacation Mr. Fong?
方先生: 好極了,我跟朋友到阿里山去玩兒了 。 It was great! I went on a trip with my friend to Mountain Ali.
What was the mountain scenery like? Did you take any photos?
方先生:風景太美了!我照了很多彩色照片和幻燈片。The scenery was very beautiful. I took a lot of photos and made slides.
莉莉:讓我看看那些照片。Let me see some of your photos.
Wait a moment. I will get my photo album.
You take really nice pictures! I really like them.
Thanks. However,  just getting the these pictures developed cost me quite a bit of money.

Category: Speak Mandarin in 1000 Words | Comments Off on New Year Vacation-B
August 25

New Year Vacation-A

Chinese New Year Vacation

新年假期Chinese New Year Vacation

莉莉: 方先生新年假期過得好嗎?  How was your New Year’s vacation Mr. Fong?

方先生: 好極了,我跟朋友到阿里山去玩兒了 。 It was great! I went on a trip with my friend to Mountain Ali.

莉莉:山上的風景怎樣?有沒有拍照片呢?  What was the mountain scenery like? Did you take any photos?

方先生:風景太美了!我照了很多彩色照片和幻燈片。The scenery was very beautiful. I took a lot of photos and made slides.

莉莉:讓我看看那些照片。Let me see some of your photos.

方先生:請等一下,我去拿相簿。Wait a moment. I will get my photo album.

莉莉:你照的真好,我很欣賞。You take really nice pictures! I really like them.

方先生:謝謝。不過冲洗這些照片,可花了我不少錢。Thanks. However,  just getting the these pictures developed cost me quite a bit of money. Continue reading

Category: Speak Mandarin in 1000 Words | Comments Off on New Year Vacation-A
August 24


旅行 Traveling-B

Hey, wen-Wen, where are you going?
I am going treaveling.
Where do you plan to go?
Xiao-Li and I are going to the north coast. Would you like to come with us?
I have just been there during Chinese New Year Vacation, and I have no more annual leave.
I heard the scenery there is pictorial.
是呀,可是我沒空。 你們準備了什麼?
It is,but I am not available. What did you prepare?
I bought some snacks and a camera.
I always bring a camera only.
是啊! 我要把美麗的風景都照下來。
Right, I am going to capture all the beautiful scenery in my pictures.
Wish you both have a great time.

Category: Speak Mandarin in 1000 Words | Comments Off on Traveling-B
August 24



王先生:您想不想出去旅行? Would you like to take a trip?

方先生:您計畫去哪兒? Where do you plan to go?

王先生: 我們一塊兒去阿里山好不好?   Let’s go to Mt. Ali together, okay?

方先生: 聽說阿里山的風景很不錯,我老早就想去了    I’ve heard that the scenery of Mt. Ali is pretty nice. I’ve been wanting to go there.

王先生:阿里山的風景美得像圖畫一樣。 The scenery of Mt. Ali is as beautiful as picture.

方先生: 我們要不要準備餐點呢?     Do we need to bring some snacks?

王先生:不用了,只要帶照相機去就行了       No, Just bring a camera and that will be fine.

方先生:我要把美麗的風景都照下來。   I’m going to capture all the beautiful scenery in my picture.

Continue reading

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