August 14

New Address-A

新住址New Address


Miss Lin, I heard that you were moving.

是上個月搬的。I moved last month.

現在住在哪兒?     Where do you live now?


My new address is No.10, Lane 320, Section 3, Ren-ai Road.


That’s close to my place.  I live on Section 2, Ren-ai Road.

你上班方便嗎?  Is it convenient for you to go to work?

很方便, 十五分鐘就到了。

Yes, It’s very conveniently located.  Only fifteen minutes away.

如果有空, 歡迎到我家坐坐。

If you have free time, you are more than welcome to stop by my place.

謝謝, 改天有空一定去拜訪您。

Thanks.  I’ll drop by and see you sometime. Continue reading

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August 13

How long have you studied-A

學了多久?How long have you studied?

李: 方先生,您到臺北多久了。Mr. Fang, how long have you been in Taipei?

方: 我去年八月來的,在這兒住了快一年。I have been here since last August, that is, I’ve been here for about one year.

李:您在美國學過中文嗎? Have you studied Chinese in America?

方:沒有,我的中文是在這兒開始學的。No, I didn’t. I started studying my Chinese when I got here.

李:您學了多久?How long have you studied?

方:我學了差不多八個月了。I’ve been studying for about eight months.

李:才八個月,就能說得那麼好,您真聰明。Only eight months and you can speak Chinese so well! You are really smart.

方:哪裡,謝謝您的誇獎。Not at all.  I’m flattered. Continue reading

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August 12

Wake Up-B

小莉, 該起床了!XiaoLi, it is time to get up.

還沒呢, 還不到起床的時候嘛。Not yet. It’s not time to get up yet.

你今天不是第一堂有課嗎?Don’t you have first period class today?

是啊,可是現在是七點半,我還有一個小時呢!Yes, but it’s only seven thirty. I still have another hour.

你還要吃早飯呢!You need to eat breakfast.

早飯要吃什麼?I don’t know what to eat yet.

一杯咖啡,兩片麵包。A cup  of coffee and two slice of toast.

好吧!Okay. 我找不到我的錢包, 你看見了嗎?I can’t find my wallet. Have you seen it?

找找看你昨天穿的衣服口袋吧!Check the pocket of the clothes you wore yesterday.

嗯!果然在這兒。文文,謝謝你。Right—-there it is.  Thank you, wen wen. Continue reading

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August 12

Wake Up-A

明華, 該起床了!Ming-Hua, it’s time to get up!

還沒呢, 還不到起床的時候嘛。Not yet. It’s not time to get up yet!

你今天不是第一堂有課嗎?Don’t you have first period class today?

是啊,可是現在是七點半,我們還有一個小時,不是嗎?Yes, but it’s only seven thirty. We still have another hour, don’t we?

時間不早了。 你早飯要吃什麼?It’s not early. What do you want for breakfast?

一杯咖啡。A cup of coffee please.

我找不到我的錢包, 你看見了嗎?I can’t find my wallet. Have you seen it?

沒有啊。 你也許放在另外一件衣服的口袋裡了。No, I haven’t. Maybe you put it in the pocket of another clothes.

對了,果然在這兒。謝謝你。Oh, right! It is right here. Thanks. Continue reading

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August 11

Speaking Chinese-B

嗨! 大年! 你好!Hi, Da-Nian. How‘re you doing?

對了,聽文文說, 你想學中文?Hello. I heard from Wen-Wen that you’d like to learn Chinese.

是啊! 我已經去上中文課了!Yes, I‘ve take Chinese class.

實在太好了!That’s great.

中文容易學嗎?Is Chinese easy to learn?

學中文不能說難, 也不能說容易I can’t say studying Chinese is hard, yet I can’t say it is easy, either.

你能教我說中文嗎?Can you teach me Chinese?

好啊, 我教你一句俗語.Sure. I’ll teach you a Chinese saying.

太好了!你趕快說.Great! Please go ahead.

衣服是新的好,朋友是舊的好。New clothes are good, but old friends are better.

這句話是什麼意思呢? What does it mean?

這句話的意思是老朋友最好。It means having old friends is the best.

老朋友最好, 這句話說的真好. Old friends are the best. That’s a good one.

你肚子餓了,走吧 老朋友請你吃飯! You’re hungry, aren’t you? I‘ll buy you something to eat.

在臺灣, 你請我: 到美國我請你. You can buy me a meal here in Taiwan and I will treat you to a meal when you come to the U.S.

一言為定! It’s a deal. Deal! Continue reading

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August 11

Speaking Chinese-A

 說中文Speaking Chinese

方先生,聽說您想學中文, 是嗎?Mr. Fang, I‘ve heard that you want to learn Chinese. Don’t you?

是啊。中文容易學嗎?Yes, I do. Is Chinese easy to learn?

學中文不能說難,也不能說容易。I can’t say studying Chinese is hard, yet I can’t say it is easy, neither.

您能教我說中文嗎?Could you teach me Chinese?

好啊!我教您一句俗語。Sure! I ‘ll teach you a Chinese saying.

太好了! 您快說吧!Great! Please go ahead!

衣服是新的好,朋友是舊的好。您聽過嗎?New clothes are good, but old friends are better. Have you heard that saying before?

我聽過,這句話的意思是老朋友最好。I’ve heard that one before.  This saying means having old friends is the best.

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August 10


買東西 shopping

嗨!大年!  Hi Da-Nian!

嗨!小莉, 你怎麼在這裡?Xiao-Li, What are you doing here?

我在這裡工作啊。I am working here.

真的啊! Really.

嗯!你想要買什麼呢?Yes. What would you like to buy?

我想買一些信紙和信封。I would like to buy some paper and envelopes.

你想要寫信給誰呢?To whom are you writing?

是—是文文對不對?It’s— Wen-Wen, right?

嗯!你看哪一種比較好呢?Yes! Which kind of paper is better?

這種紙是五十元一包,那一種是六十元一包。This kind of paper is fifty dollars a pack, and that one is sixty dollars a pack.

那一種比較好呢?Which one is better?

貴的那種比較好。The more expensive one is better.

好吧。 信封要多少錢呢?All right. How much is an envelope?

兩塊錢一個。Two dollars each.

我買一打吧,一共是多少錢?I would like a dozen, and how much is that all together?

一共是八十四元。您還要買其他的東西嗎?That’ll be eight-four dollars. Do you need anything else?

我想再買一本介紹臺灣文化的書。I would like to buy one more book about Taiwanese culture.

好的!你慢慢看!Okay, take your time.Shopping b

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