September 11

The Clothing Store (2016-6th work sheet)

服飾店 The Clothing Store

Mister, what style would you like to see?  I’ll show you.
I would like to see that more formal clothes.
This style’s color and material are the most popular this year.
I would also like to see a hat?
店員:這頂怎麽樣?許多顧客都喜歡, 也很合適你。
How about this one? Most of our customers like it.  It suits you.
It looks very nice.   May I try it on?
Of course. Please come with me.
Thank you. I’ll try on this cloth and hat.
You look very noble! Elegant!
I think the clothe is too big!
Will not, you will grow up!
I think the hat is too small!
Will not, hat a little smaller, bigger head, better luck! Continue reading

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September 11

The Clothing Store-B

Wenwen, do you think my new clothes look good?
Very nice, this color fabric is the most popular this year.
是呀! 你真有眼光。 現在年輕人都很喜歡這種款式。
Yes! You really have a vision. Young people are now very fond of this style.
Why don’t you wear a skirt or suit?
I don’t want it, it looks very old-fashioned.
But many of my customers like it.
I like young and handsome clothes.
What about the light pink dress?
It’s for girls, I don’t like it.
我買了一件淺粉色的洋裝,你試穿看看? I bought a light pink dress, can you try it on?
It looks good!

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September 11

The Clothing Store-A

服飾店 The Clothing Store

店員:小姐,您需要什麼款式?我拿給您看。Miss, what style would you like to see?  I’ll show you.

張小姐:我想看看裙子套裝。I would like to see that outfit with the skirt.

店員:這款的顏色、布料都是今年最流行的。This style’s color and material are the most popular this year.

張小姐:我還想看一件洋裝,有淺顏色的嗎?I would also like to see a dress.  Are there any pastel colors?

店員:這件怎麼樣?淺粉的顏色許多顧客都喜歡,也很合適您。How about this one? Most of our customers like the pastel colors.  It suits you.

張小姐:看起來還不錯,可以試穿嗎? It looks very nice.   May I try it on?

店員:沒問題。試衣室在前方右邊兒,請跟我來。Of course. The fitting room is in front and to your right. Please come with me.

張小姐:謝謝。套裝和洋裝我都去試試。Thank you. I’ll try on this dress and outfit.

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September 10

Safety First A

This swimsuit is really pretty. It probably was not cheap, was it?

No, it was it I bought it just for learning swimming

We will begin practicing in the shallow part of the pool that that is much safer

This swimming pool is really big there is a diving board over there

那兒的水深,不要隨便過去。 學游泳,安全第一。
The water is very deep there. Don’t just go over there. When learning swimming ——safety first.

Please check my posture and the movement are correct or not.

Not bad, you have improved. Few days later then you’ll know how to swim.

Great teachers produce outstanding pupils. With a good teacher, students can learn very quickly. Continue reading

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September 10

Safety First B

我剛剛去游泳回來。I just came back from swimming.

你正在看游泳的教學錄影帶嗎?Are you watching an instructional video on swimming?

是呀,想先看錄影帶,也許學得快一點。Yes, I want to watch the video first, maybe learn faster.

你看! 這是我買的新泳衣。Look! This is my new swimsuit.

這件泳衣真漂亮,不便宜吧。This swimsuit is really pretty. It probably was not cheap, was it?

是呀,為了學游泳特別去買的。This swimsuit is really pretty. It probably was not cheap, was it?

學游泳,觀看錄影帶是不行的。 一定要去游泳池練習才行。Learning to swim and watching a video is not enough. Be sure to go to the pool to practice.

可是我真的好緊張。But I’m really nervous.

剛學游泳的人可以先在水淺的地方練習比較安全。People who are just learning to swim can practice in shallow water first.

我怕學不會。I’m afraid I won’t learn.

你放心,我教你正確的姿勢和動作,一定可以學會的。Don’t worry, I will teach you the correct posture and movement, and you can definitely learn it.




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September 8

Meeting Somebody At The Airport-A

王先生,我在這裡,請走這邊。Mr. Wong I’m over here。 please go this way.
張秘書,你怎麼來了?Secretary Chang, how did you get here?
是公司派我來接你們的。 一路上飛機還平穩嗎?Our company sent me to pick you up. Did you have a smooth fight the freight?
很不平穩,我太太暈機,吐得很厲害。The fright was not smooth at all. My wife got airsick and the vomited terribly.
沒什麼關係了,飛機一降落我就全好了。That’s all right.  I feel much better after lending.
海關檢查行李順利嗎?Did you get through customs okay?
Since we didn’t have any taxable items, we got through pretty quickly.
車子在外頭等著,我先送兩位去旅館休息吧。Our car is waiting outside.  I will take your two to your hotel for a rest.

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