September 14

Seeing An Exhibit B

參觀展覽See An Exhibit
大年! 我在這兒。 Lily! Visit the exhibition
小莉! 你什麼時候到的? When did you arrive?
我剛到沒多久。 I just arrived not long ago.
我正在想你會不會迷路了? I’m wondering if you’re getting lost?
Of course it won’t be smooth today, I came here by MRT.
捷運真的很方便。 The MRT is really convenient.
對了,我們要看什麼展覽? By the way, what exhibition are we going to see?
An exhibition commemorating the father of the nation, Dr. Sun Yat-sen.
要買門票嗎? Want to buy tickets?
Today this exhibition is free to visit, no need to buy tickets.
I heard that there is an exhibition commemorating Dr. Sun Yat-sen, and I wanted to see it for a long time.
Are you interested in the history of Mr. Sun Yat-sen?
I want to know more about this great statesman.
Today’s exhibition is sure to satisfy your wishes.
我們快進去吧。 Let’s go in.

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September 14

Seeing An Exhibit A

莉莉! 我在這兒。 你什麼時候到的?
I’m over here LiLi. What time did you get here?
我也剛到沒多久。 我正在想你會不會迷路了?
I just got here a short while. I was just thinking if you would get lost or not.
It was very easy today. I took the MRT.
It was very easy today. I took the MRT. This is a free exhibit. We don’t need tickets. Let’s go in.
I heard there is an exhibit in Memorial of Dr.Sun Yat Sen. I’d really like to see it.
Are you interested in the history of Dr. Sun Yat Sen?
I would like to understand more about this great stateman.
This exhibit today will definitely satisfy your wish.

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September 13

Taking The MRT A

搭捷運Taking the MRT


Excuse me. Is the next stop the Sun Yat Sen Memorial Hall?

還有三站才到呢。 我也在那站下車。

There are three more station to go. I also get off at that stop.

麻煩你下車的時候, 叫我一聲,我不認識路。

Could you tell me when you get off?  I‘m not familiar with the stops

沒問題。 下車以後,我帶你去國父紀念館。

No problem. After we get it off, I will take you to the Sun Yat Sen Memorial Hall.


The MRT station in Taipei it’s really very convenient. It is faster as well as smooth.


It is sure in especially when you are in a hurry,  you don’t have to be worried about the heavy traffic.

我跟朋友約好九點見面, 應該不會遲到吧?

I am going to meet a friend there at about nine o’clock.  I won’t be date, will I?


Take it easy, don’t worry.  We are already there.


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September 12

Asking Direction-B


Da nian, do you want to go to the Sun Yat-Sen Memorial Hall to listen to the concert?

好啊,哪一天呢? OK, what day is it?

明天晚上。 Tomorrow evening.


Not tomorrow, I have something to do, you can go with Roger.


But he didn’t know how to get to the Sun Yat-Sen Memorial Hall?


It’s very simple, just take the bus or MRT and get off at the Sun Yat-Sen Memorial Hall Station, and you’re there. 我從這裡要怎麼走呢? How do I go from here?


Here’s a map of Taipei City that I’ll show you.

從這裡往前走,五分鐘。 就可以看到公車站或是捷運站。

Go ahead from here, five minutes. You can see the bus station or the MRT station.

搭哪一種車比較方便呢? Which car is more convenient to take?

搭公車和搭捷運都很方便,不過搭捷運又快又不會塞車。 It is very convenient to take the bus and the MRT, but the MRT is fast and no traffic jams.

那我和羅傑一起去搭捷運。 Then I’ll take the MRT with Roger.

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September 11

The Clothing Store (2016-6th work sheet)

服飾店 The Clothing Store

Mister, what style would you like to see?  I’ll show you.
I would like to see that more formal clothes.
This style’s color and material are the most popular this year.
I would also like to see a hat?
店員:這頂怎麽樣?許多顧客都喜歡, 也很合適你。
How about this one? Most of our customers like it.  It suits you.
It looks very nice.   May I try it on?
Of course. Please come with me.
Thank you. I’ll try on this cloth and hat.
You look very noble! Elegant!
I think the clothe is too big!
Will not, you will grow up!
I think the hat is too small!
Will not, hat a little smaller, bigger head, better luck! Continue reading

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September 11

The Clothing Store-B

Wenwen, do you think my new clothes look good?
Very nice, this color fabric is the most popular this year.
是呀! 你真有眼光。 現在年輕人都很喜歡這種款式。
Yes! You really have a vision. Young people are now very fond of this style.
Why don’t you wear a skirt or suit?
I don’t want it, it looks very old-fashioned.
But many of my customers like it.
I like young and handsome clothes.
What about the light pink dress?
It’s for girls, I don’t like it.
我買了一件淺粉色的洋裝,你試穿看看? I bought a light pink dress, can you try it on?
It looks good!

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September 11

The Clothing Store-A

服飾店 The Clothing Store

店員:小姐,您需要什麼款式?我拿給您看。Miss, what style would you like to see?  I’ll show you.

張小姐:我想看看裙子套裝。I would like to see that outfit with the skirt.

店員:這款的顏色、布料都是今年最流行的。This style’s color and material are the most popular this year.

張小姐:我還想看一件洋裝,有淺顏色的嗎?I would also like to see a dress.  Are there any pastel colors?

店員:這件怎麼樣?淺粉的顏色許多顧客都喜歡,也很合適您。How about this one? Most of our customers like the pastel colors.  It suits you.

張小姐:看起來還不錯,可以試穿嗎? It looks very nice.   May I try it on?

店員:沒問題。試衣室在前方右邊兒,請跟我來。Of course. The fitting room is in front and to your right. Please come with me.

張小姐:謝謝。套裝和洋裝我都去試試。Thank you. I’ll try on this dress and outfit.

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