September 10

Safety First A

This swimsuit is really pretty. It probably was not cheap, was it?

No, it was it I bought it just for learning swimming

We will begin practicing in the shallow part of the pool that that is much safer

This swimming pool is really big there is a diving board over there

那兒的水深,不要隨便過去。 學游泳,安全第一。
The water is very deep there. Don’t just go over there. When learning swimming ——safety first.

Please check my posture and the movement are correct or not.

Not bad, you have improved. Few days later then you’ll know how to swim.

Great teachers produce outstanding pupils. With a good teacher, students can learn very quickly. Continue reading

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September 10

Safety First B

我剛剛去游泳回來。I just came back from swimming.

你正在看游泳的教學錄影帶嗎?Are you watching an instructional video on swimming?

是呀,想先看錄影帶,也許學得快一點。Yes, I want to watch the video first, maybe learn faster.

你看! 這是我買的新泳衣。Look! This is my new swimsuit.

這件泳衣真漂亮,不便宜吧。This swimsuit is really pretty. It probably was not cheap, was it?

是呀,為了學游泳特別去買的。This swimsuit is really pretty. It probably was not cheap, was it?

學游泳,觀看錄影帶是不行的。 一定要去游泳池練習才行。Learning to swim and watching a video is not enough. Be sure to go to the pool to practice.

可是我真的好緊張。But I’m really nervous.

剛學游泳的人可以先在水淺的地方練習比較安全。People who are just learning to swim can practice in shallow water first.

我怕學不會。I’m afraid I won’t learn.

你放心,我教你正確的姿勢和動作,一定可以學會的。Don’t worry, I will teach you the correct posture and movement, and you can definitely learn it.




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September 8

Meeting Somebody At The Airport-A

王先生,我在這裡,請走這邊。Mr. Wong I’m over here。 please go this way.
張秘書,你怎麼來了?Secretary Chang, how did you get here?
是公司派我來接你們的。 一路上飛機還平穩嗎?Our company sent me to pick you up. Did you have a smooth fight the freight?
很不平穩,我太太暈機,吐得很厲害。The fright was not smooth at all. My wife got airsick and the vomited terribly.
沒什麼關係了,飛機一降落我就全好了。That’s all right.  I feel much better after lending.
海關檢查行李順利嗎?Did you get through customs okay?
Since we didn’t have any taxable items, we got through pretty quickly.
車子在外頭等著,我先送兩位去旅館休息吧。Our car is waiting outside.  I will take your two to your hotel for a rest.

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September 7

The Airport (MV)

A 這班飛機的乘客不少,快去劃位吧!
There are a lot of passengers on this flight. Hurry to check in.
B 不要急,離起飛的時間還有兩小時.
No rush. There is another two hours before our plane takes off. Take it easy.
C 把護照給我,我去劃位。
Give me your passport. I’ll go(to)check in.
D 行李都交給航空公司托運嗎?
Are you going to send all of our luggage?
E 最好都托運,隨身帶的東西越少越好。
It would be better to send all of it. The less we carry the better.
F 可是我這些想帶在身上!
But, I want to bring the skin care products with me.
A 別忘了超過100毫升的液體,不能帶上飛機!Oh please! Don’t you remember liquids over 100ml aren’t allowed to bring to the airplane?
Your skin care products will be thrown away.
F 等我一下! 把它們放在行李。
Right. I do forget. Wait a second. I’ll put these products to my luggage’s to send.
E 這就對了! That’s right.
B 我的座位要劃在靠走道的位置。
Please reserve an aisle seat for me.
C 都弄好了,該去檢查行李了。
All down. Now it’s time to check our luggage.
D 現在就去候機室太早了吧?
Is it still too early to get to the boarding room?
F 機場那麼大,候機室很遠,The airport is very big and the gate is far away.
C 還是先進去吧!We’d better go earlier.

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