September 7

The Airport-A

機場 The Airport
這班飛機的乘客不少,快去劃位吧!There are a lot of passengers on this flight.  Hurry to check in.
把機票、護照給我,我去劃位。Give me your ticket and passport. I’ll go(to)check in.
行李都交給航空公司托運嗎?Are you going to send all of our luggage?
最好都托運,隨身帶的東西越少越好。It would be better to send all of it.  The less we carry the better.
我的座位要劃在靠走道的位置。Please reserve an aisle seat for me.
都弄好了,該去檢查行李了。All down. Now it’s time to check our luggage.
現在就去候機室太早了吧?Is it still too early to get to the boarding room?
機場那麽大,候機室很遠,還是先進去吧!The airport is very big and the gate is far away.  We’d better go earlier. Continue reading

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September 6

Hotel Reservations B


I heard that you are going abroad?


Yes, the company sent me to Japan.



I’m going to set off on the twelfth of this month.


Are you staying at a friend’s house or in a hotel?


I don’t want to bother my friends.  I have a reserve a hotel room.


What kind of hotel did you reserve?


A tourist hotel.   I stayed there before.  It’s pretty nice.

價錢怎麼樣? 貴不貴?

How much is it?  Is it expensive?

不貴, 一間雙人房一天大概台幣三千六百

It’s not expensive. A double room is about NT 3,600 NTD per night.

在日本算是便宜的。 我好想去日本旅行。

It’s cheap in Japan. I really want to travel to Japan.


I’m going to work not traveling.

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September 6

Hotel Reservations A

張先生,您預備哪天去日本?What date do you plan to go to Japan? Mr. Chang?

我打算這個月十二號動身。I’m going to set off on the twelfth of this month.

您是住朋友家呢,還是住旅館了?Are you staying at a friend’s house or in a hotel?

我不想打擾朋友,已經訂好旅館了。I don’t want to bother my friends. I have a reserve a hotel room.

您訂的是什麼樣的旅館?What kind of hotel did you reserve?

一家觀光飯店,以前我做過一次,還不錯。 A tourist hotel.  I stayed there before. It’s pretty nice.

價錢怎麼樣? 貴不貴?How much is it?  Is it expensive?

不貴, 一間雙人房一天大概台幣三千六百It’s not expensive. A double room is about NT 3,600 NTD per night.

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September 4

Checks A

支票 Check

小姐,我有一张支票要兑现 Yes I would like to cash this check

这张支票不能马上领现金。You may not receive cash immediately after cashing this check.

为什么?这张是空头支票吗?Why not? This isn’t a bad check. is it?

不是的。这是银行本票,得交换以后才能兑现。No, it isn’t This is a bank check. You must exchange it first then you may receive your money (after it is processed)

那我应该怎么做呢?Then, what should I do?

你先把支票存到户头里,过两天再来领钱。You need to put the check into your account first,  wait two days then collect your money.

要不要填存款单?需要存折吗?Should I fill out a saving deposit form?  Do I need my chip bank book

都要。你还得在支票后面盖章签名。Yes, you need all of them. You also need to sign your name on the back of the check.

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September 3

The Bank A

銀行 Bank

方先生: 我想在銀行開一個戶頭,手續麻煩嗎?
I want to open an account at the bank. Are the procedures troublesome?

王先生: 手續很簡單,你要開哪種戶頭呢?
The procedures are simple. What kind of account would you like to open?

方先生: 我想要開一個儲蓄存款的戶頭。
I would like to open a savings account.

王先生: 是要活期的,還是定期的?
Do you want a checking account or a time deposit?

方先生: 活期的,存款、提款比較方便。
Checking account.  It is more convenient to deposit and withdraw.

王先生: 你只要帶身份證和印章去就可以了。
All you need your ID card and your stamp.

方先生: 要不要填什麼表格呢?
Do I need to fill out any forms?

王先生: 要填一些表格,另外還得存點錢在那戶頭裡。
You need to fill out one form. Then you need to put the money in your account

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