September 19

2015 華語推廣結合華道藝術

適逢中秋和重陽節,至主流學校及中文學校介紹華語正體字藝術,以全球華文網的精選影片,介紹節慶背景及書法的淵源,課間古詩朗誦,體會音韻之美,本活動將書法的演變與生活藝術節合,將相關正體字教學生用毛筆寫在宣紙上, 再將宣紙裱到小卡, 繫上絲帶) (例如: “花”字, 或是“ 華”,讓學生及家長,來賓體會正體字之美);運用具東方風味的印花色紙及紙雕蝴蝶作為花器的包裝。遠從加州來授課的插花老師: 王淑青, 運用新鮮花材及特別的華語教學內容,讓學生受益匪淺!Capture
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September 19

Registration (A)

You applied to study at National Taiwan University. Have they accepted your application?

The school has accepted your application, but I still have to take an entrance examination.

When will you go through your entrance procedures?

The school have sent me a notice.  I will go to register next Tuesday.

Does the school provide scholarships?

No, it doesn’t I have to pay tuition by myself. It’s fortunate that the tuition isn’t expensive.

I’ll go with you on registration day.  I know the National Taiwan University campus very well.

As a matter of fact, I wanted to ask for your help.

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September 19

Registration (B)

好巧! 你們怎麼在這裡?
What a coincidence! Why are you here?
Xiaoli and I have something to go to National Taiwan University
You applied to study at National Taiwan University. Have they accepted your application?
The school has accepted your application, but I still have to take an entrance examination.
I believe that both of us can become Taiwan University students.
希望咯! Hope so!
通過測驗後After passing the quiz
When will you go through your entrance procedures?
The school have sent me a notice. I will go to register next Tuesday.
Does the school provide scholarships?
No, it doesn’t I have to pay tuition by myself. It’s fortunate that the tuition isn’t expensive.
我早就準備好學費了,所以沒有獎學金沒有關係。 I have already prepared tuition fees, so it doesn’t matter if there is no scholarship.
註冊那天我陪你去,我對台大校園很熟悉。 I’ll go with you on registration day. I know the National Taiwan University campus very well.
我帶你們進去逛逛。I’ll take you in for a walk.
一塊兒走吧。 Let’s go together.

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September 18

Saving (A)

儲蓄 Saving

你買了什麼好東西? 包裝的這麼漂亮。

What did you buy wrapped up so beautiful?


Two piggy banks, which are given to my nephews as New Year’s presents.
我想,買巧克力糖或是玩具,他們會更喜歡的。 I think they would like them better if the presidents were chocolates or toys


I have my reason for buying piggy banks.

什麼原因? 說來聽聽。

What’s your reason? Tell me.


I want to alter them bad habits of wasting money.


So that’s why you bought piggy banks for them.


That’s right I want them to have the habit of saving their money.

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September 18

Saving (B)

儲蓄 savings

哇! 有禮物要送給我的嗎? Wow! Got a present for me?
才不是。 是給我外甥的。 certainly not. It’s for my nephew.
你買了什麼好東西? 包裝的這麼漂亮。 What good stuff did you buy? So beautifully packaged.
是一個撲滿。 這種新年禮物最棒了。It is a piggy bank. This New Year’s gift is the best.
我想,買巧克力糖或是玩具,他們會更喜歡的。 I think they would like them better if the presidents were chocolates or toys
我買撲滿做禮物是有原因的。 I have my reason for buying piggy banks.
什麼原因? 說來聽聽。 What’s your reason? Tell me.
因為今年過年他們收了紅包。 送撲滿就可以讓他們把錢存起來。 Because they received red envelopes for Chinese New Year this year. Sending a piggy bank allows them to save their money.
你想的真是周到啊。 You are really thoughtful.
我想讓他們改掉亂花錢的壞習慣。 I want to alter them bad habits of wasting money.
送撲滿來鼓勵小孩儲蓄。 真是不錯的方法。 Give piggy bank to encourage kids to save. Really nice way.是呀! 如果他們能養成儲蓄的好習慣,那就太好了。 Yes! It would be great if they could develop a good habit of saving.
你要不要也送我一個撲滿,鼓勵我儲蓄啊。 Would you like to send me a piggy bank too and encourage me to save?
叫我一聲阿姨, 我就送你。 Call me auntie and I ‘ll send you one.
那算了。 Then forget it.
儲蓄是一個好習慣, 你應該鼓勵自己儲蓄啊。 Saving is a good habit, and you should encourage yourself to save.
是呀! 我看我自己去買一個撲滿好了。 I think I’m going to buy one for myself.
這才對嘛。 That’s right.

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September 17

A New Year, New Hopes A

新年新希望A New Year, New Hopes


Here is a yearly planner for you! I wish you a happy new year.

謝謝! 新的一年,你有什麼計劃呢?

Thanks! Do you have any plans for the new year?

我唯一的願望, 就是把中文學好。

My only wish is to learn Chinese well.


A saying goes “Spring is the best time to plan the coming year’s work”.

Chinese people really consider the beginning of the year important.


That’s why I gave you a yearly planner.


you are considerate. I will make good use of it.


Let‘s do our best!

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September 17

A New Year, New Hopes B

Strange, why haven’t you come yet, maybe Xiaoli remembered the wrong place again?
嗨, 大年,對不起,我又記錯了
Hi, I’m sorry, I remember wrong again
新年好,文文在新公園門口等我們。 我們快去吧?
Happy New Year, Wenwen is waiting for us at the gate of the new park. shall we go?
別急,這本記事年曆送給你。 祝你新年快樂
Don’t worry, this calendar is for you. Wish you a Happy New Year
謝謝,真漂亮! 新的一年你有什麼計劃呢?
Thanks, it’s beautiful! What are your plans for the new year?
My only wish is to do a good job
Me too, I will work hard at the beginning of the year.
That’s why I gave you a yearly planner.
That’s why I gave this calendar.
那文文有沒有? Does Wenwen has this?
she doesn’t need it because you are forgetful
Did you remember the place where we met just now?
you are considerate( so thoughtful). I will make good use of it.
New year, new hope, let us work hard together,
Next time you say something, I will write it down in my notepad
快去找文文吧? 走吧!
Hurry up and find Wenwen, shall we? let’s go!

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September 16

Buying Holiday Shopping A

年貨大街Busy holiday shopping
Chinese new year is approaching. The New Year’s shopping season has begun.
Let’s go New Year’s shopping!
Okay, what do you intend to buy?
I want the item for New Year’s eve dinner. How about going together tomorrow?
Great! I need some dry goods, red dates, and watermelon seeds.
I just worry it will be much crowded
The crowd and the bustle do make New Year’s spring higher.
也對! 那就明天下午一塊兒去。
That’s true. Then we will go together tomorrow afternoon.

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