October 11

Final exam-B

最近在忙些什麼呢?What are you busy with recently?
期末考試快到了,我都在溫習功課。Final exam are approaching, and I am reviewing my lessons.
你那麼用功, 期末考一定沒有問題。If you work so hard, there will be no problem in the final exam.
那可不一定哦。 Not for certain..
應該準備得差不多了吧。You should prepare almost ready.
我每天都開夜車苦讀。I am staying up late and studying hard every day.
熬夜最傷身體了,千萬別過度用功。Staying up all night hurts the body the most, so be sure don’t overwork yourself.
哎! 我是平時不用功,臨時抱佛腳了。I don’t usually study this heart. Only when it is close to exams.
盡力就好,不要太緊張。Just do your best, don’t get too nervous.
這次考試,你總共考幾科呢?How many subjects do you have to take this time?
四科,有的科目只要繳讀書報告就可以了。Four in some courses, for some subjects, you only need to submit a study report.
繳讀書報告.  對你而言太簡單了。Submit your book report. It’s too easy for you.
那你還緊張什麼? 心情放輕鬆點。Then what are you nervous about? Take it easy.
快要考試了,心情怎麼可能輕鬆呢?The exam is coming, how can you feel relaxed?  how could I relax
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October 11

Final exams-A

期末考試Final exams


Final exams are approaching. Have you finish reviewing your lessons?


Every day I have been staying up late and studying hard.

熬夜最傷身體了,別過度用功。 Staying up all light is Most harmful to your health. Don’t overdo it.

我是平時不用功,只好臨時抱佛腳了。 I don’t usually study this heart. Only when it is close to exams.

這次考試,你總共考幾科呢? How many subjects do you have to take this time?

四科,有的課只要繳讀書報告就可以了。 Four. in some courses, I only need to submit a term paper.

那你還緊張什麼? 心情放輕鬆點。

Then what are you so worried about? Relax a little.


Tests are coming! How can I relax?

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October 10

Enjoying Christmas Time B

歡度耶誕節Enjoying Christmas Time
Fen-Fang are you almost done decorating the Christmas tree?
I will be done after putting this string of lights on.
飾品太多了,拿幾個星星、小天使下來吧。 There are too many ornaments on the tree. Take a few stars and the angels off.
星星是我最喜歡的, 小天使我也喜歡
Stars are my favorite, I also like little angels
那就都留下好啦! Then leave it all!
Is Christmas Eve dinner ready? I’m so hungry!
火雞還要再烤一會兒。 先聽聽聖誕歌曲吧。 The turkey still needs to be roasted a little while. Why don’t you listen to some Christmas Carols?
I hope that every year we can have a merry Christmas.
哎呀! 雞烤焦了Oops! The chicken is burnt
難忘的聖誕大餐Unforgettable Christmas dinner

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October 10

Enjoying Christmas Time A

歡度聖誕節Enjoying Christmas Time


Fen-Fang are you almost done decorating the Christmas tree?


I will be done after putting this string of lights on.

飾品太多了,拿幾個星星、小天使下來吧。 There are too many ornaments on the tree.  Take a few stars and the angels off.


Mom, do you think Santa Claus will bring me the gift I want?

I don’t think Santa Claus will let you down.

那我就放心了。 聖誕大餐準備好了嗎?

Then I won’t worry it. Is Christmas Eve dinner ready?

火雞還要再烤一會兒。 先聽聽聖誕歌曲吧。 The turkey still needs to be roasted a little while. Why don’t you listen to some Christmas Carols?


I hope that every year we can have a merry Christmas.


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October 9

Christmas Gifts-A

聖誕禮物Christmas Gifts


Christmas is coming at the Christmas spirit is getting stronger and stronger.


There are much more varieties of Christmas ornaments year-by-year.


Have you prepared all of your Christmas gifts?


I come up to buy them today.


I like the moment when everyone feels excited opening up their gifts.


This reminds me of buying some wrapping paper and the ribbons.


Christmas gifts should be wrapped up beautifully.


In order to safe time, we should split up. You buy yours and I buy mine.




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October 8

It’s Snowing-B

下雪了It’s snowing
你看這個新聞You see this news
玉山下雪了。Yushan is snowing.
下雪了,好美哦!It’s snowing, so beautiful!
美的就像聖誕卡一樣。Beautiful like a Christmas card.
我可不這麼想哦I don’t think so
When I was studying abroad, it was a chore to shovel snow when it was snowing heavily.
In Taiwan, it’s news when even a small amount of snow falls on top of the high mountains.
大家都到高山去堆雪人。Everyone went to mountain to build a snowman.
什麼東西都是這樣,物以稀為貴。The scarcer a thing is, the more valuable it becomes.

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October 8

It’s snowing-A


After snowing, the scenery outside looks a s beautiful as Christmas card.

你不是想賞雪嗎? 這次可如願了。

Don’t you want to see snow? Now your wish is come true.


It hasn’t snowed enough. If it snows a little more, you could make a snowman.


You like heavy snow, but your brother-in -law doesn’t.


Snow scenes are so beautiful! How could he not appreciate them?


Snow scenes are pleasant of course, but shoveling snow however is not.


In Taiwan, it’s news when even a small amount of snow falls on top of the high mountains.


The scarcer a thing is, the more valuable it becomes.

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October 7

A Letter-B

文文有你的信。 You have your letter!
是啊,剛剛郵差送來的。 Yep, just delivered by the postman.
是誰寄來的? Who sent it?
是我舅媽寄來的。 It was sent by my aunt.
快拆開來看看吧! Quick take a look.
The letter said they were coming to Taiwan and by the way see me.
這真是個好消息。 This is really good news.
對了,他們從哪裡來? By the way, where do they come from?
美國西雅圖。 Seattle, USA.
是來觀光的嗎? Are you here for sightseeing?
不是。 舅舅是來臺北開會的。 no. My uncle came to Taipei for a meeting.
他們要住哪裡呢? Where are they going to live?
I don’t have a room here, so I have to stay in a hotel.
他們哪一天到呢? When will they arrive?
According to the letter, the time should be the 30th.
他們會呆多久呢? How long will they stay?
大概一個星期。 About a week.
You have to make arrangements and take them around.
I’m going to take them to visit the Sun Yat-Sen Memorial Hall, and then take them to the 101 Building.
這個安排太好了。 This arrangement is great.

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